2. Delete a node in double linked list
3. Sort a linked list
4. Reverse a string
5. Insert a node a sorted linked list
6. Covert a string to upper case
7. Multiple a number by 7 without using * and + operator.
8. Write a function that takes in a string parameter and checks to see whether or not it is an integer, and if it is then return the integer value.
9. Print a data from a binary tree – In-order(ascending)
10. print integer using only putchar
11. Find the factorial of number
12. Generate Fib numbers:
13. Write a function that finds the last instance of a character in a string
15. Counting set bits in a number
1. Reverse a singly linked list
// iterative version
Node* ReverseList( Node ** List )
Node *temp1 = *List;
Node * temp2 = NULL;
Node * temp3 = NULL;
while ( temp1 )
*List = temp1; //set the head to last node
temp2= temp1->pNext; // save the next ptr in temp2
temp1->pNext = temp3; // change next to privous
temp3 = temp1;
temp1 = temp2;
return *List;
2. Delete a node in double linked list
void deleteNode(node *n) { node *np = n->prev; node *nn = n->next; np->next = n->next; nn->prev = n->prev; delete n; }
3. Sort a linked list
//sorting in descending order struct node { int value; node* NEXT; } //Assume HEAD pointer denotes the first element in the //linked list // only change the values…don’t have to change the //pointers Sort( Node *Head) { node* first,second,temp; first= Head; while(first!=null) { second=first->NEXT; while(second!=null) { if(first->value < second->value) { temp = new node(); temp->value=first->value; first->value=second->value; second->value=temp->value; delete temp; } second=second->NEXT; } first=first->NEXT; } }
4. Reverse a string
void ReverseString (char *String) { char *Begin = String; char *End = String + strlen(String) - 1; char TempChar = '\0'; while (Begin < End) { TempChar = *Begin; *Begin = *End; *End = TempChar; Begin++; End--; } }5. Insert a node a sorted linked list
void sortedInsert(Node * head, Node* newNode) { Node *current = head; // traverse the list until you find item bigger the // new node value // while (current!= NULL && current->data < newNode->data) { current = current->next); } // // insert the new node before the big item // newNode->next = current->next; current = newNode; }6. Covert a string to upper case
void ToUpper(char * S) { while (*S!=0) { *S=(*S >= 'a' && *S <= 'z')?(*S-'a'+'A'):*S; S++; } }7. Multiple a number by 7 without using * and + operator.
NewNum = Num << 3; // mulitplied by 2 ^ 3 = 8 NewNum = NewNum - Num; // 8 – 1 = 78. Write a function that takes in a string parameter and checks to see whether or not it is an integer, and if it is then return the integer value.
#include9. Print a data from a binary tree – In-order(ascending)int strtoint(char *s) { int index = 0, flag = 0; while( *(s+index) != '\0') { if( (*(s + index) >= '0') && *(s + index) <= '9') { flag = 1; index++; } else { flag = 0; break; } } if( flag == 1 ) return atoi(s); else return 0; } main() { printf("%d",strtoint("0123")); printf("\n%d",strtoint("0123ii")); }
// // recursive version // Void PrintTree ( struct * node node ) { if ( node == NULL ) return; PrintTree(node->left ); Printf(“%d”, node->data); PrintTree(node->right ); }10. print integer using only putchar
// // recursive version // void PrintNum ( int Num ) { if ( Num == 0 ) return; PrintNum ( Num / 10 ); Puthcar ( ‘0’+ Num % 10 ); }11. Find the factorial of number
// // recursive version // int Factorial( int Num ) { If ( num > 0 ) return Num * Factorial ( Num –1 ); else return 1; } // // iterative version // int Factorial( int Num ) { int I int result = 1; for ( I= Num; I > 0; I-- ) { result = result * I; } return result; }12. Generate Fib numbers:
int fib( n ) // recursive version { if ( n < 2 ) return 1; else return fib ( n –1 ) + fib ( n –2 ); } int fib( n ) //iterative version { int f1 =1, f2 = 1; if ( n < 2 ) return 1; for ( i = 1; i < N; i++) { f = f1 + f2; f1= f2; f = f1; } return f; }13. Write a function that finds the last instance of a character in a string
char *lastchar(char *String, char ch) { char *pStr = NULL; // traverse the entire string while( * String ++ != NULL ) { if( *String == ch ) pStr = String; } return pStr; }14. Return Nth the node from the end of the linked list in one pass.
Node * GetNthNode ( Node* Head , int NthNode ) { Node * pNthNode = NULL; Node * pTempNode = NULL; int nCurrentElement = 0; for ( pTempNode = Head; pTempNode != NULL; pTempNode = pTempNode->pNext ) { nCurrentElement++; if ( nCurrentElement - NthNode == 0 ) { pNthNode = Head; } else if ( nCurrentElement - NthNode > 0) { pNthNode = pNthNode ->pNext; } } if (pNthNode ) { return pNthNode; } else return NULL; }15. Counting set bits in a number.
int CoutSetBits(int Num) { for(int count=0; Num; Num >>= 1) { if (Num & 1) count++; } return count; } final version: int CoutSetBits(int Num) { for(int count =0; Num; count++) { Num &= Num -1; } }
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